Sunday, June 16, 2013

Obligatory E3 Post - The PS4 domination

I was out of the US last week and so I was unable to watch the E3 conference like I did last year. So I had to check it out whenever I got home yesterday. I'll be honest, I've already decided I'll never get the Xbox One. I don't know what the heck they were thinking. Me, used games, and eBay go together like the ice cream, cone, and chocolate of a Dairy Queen dipcone. When you remove that option for me, I'll remove the option of you from my pocket book. So I'll just talk about the two that I do and will own - PS4 and Wii U.

Wii U
I'll be honest. I love Nintendo. I really love Nintendo. The nostalgia of Nintendo and the childhood memories of safer times puts Nintendo in a very special place in my heart. No matter how behind Nintendo is with their technology, I'll always have space on my "media center" for Nintendo. That being said, I'll be honest again. I didn't watch their Nintendo Directs. I don't plan to watch them either. Instead I just watched a 10 minute recap of their E3 Directs. I didn't want to spend a few hours with Reggie stumbling through these.
Please tell me this is funner than it looks
Mario Kart 8 looks to be a solid title. They didn't reinvent the wheel, but at the same time, they've added new ways to play the game. It will be an addition to my game library whenever it comes out. Super Mario 3D World was a little disappointing. It seriously looks like the 3DS game that was lazily converted to HD. I don't really care about multi-player. Wow! It's cat Mario - Big deal..... The thing that really disappoints me about this game is the time clock. The thing that made Super Mario Galaxy so awesome was you could enjoy the game without any time restrictions. I'd much rather have a Galaxy 3 instead of this game. However, no matter how disappointing this may be on the surface, you can always count on Mario to give you a fun game. It will be added to my library. As far as Pikmin 3 goes, that should've been on my shelf in April this year. It'll find its way on my shelf when it does come out this year. They had other games, but I'll keep this short. Notably absent was any word on the Earthbound VC release. They could've taken the ball and ran with it and done something special for us. I imagine something might could happen on the horizon for Earthbound's release. We'll see. Also, a Wii U Zelda teaser was absent. They did mention it in interviews talking about the art style of it. I hope they don't get too radical. I've become quite attached to the current version of the characters.

She's a beauty
I watched the E3 conference from Sony on my PS Vita last night. All I can say is they simply and decidedly won E3. Not only did they win it, they stepped on the competition's throats and didn't lift their foot until they stopped squirming. They did with me exactly what they wanted to achieve whenever they stepped on the stage that night - they are convincing me to buying their system early. The more I hear about the PS4 the more I can see myself being a launch window (not necessarily launch day) owner. I've been trying to fight it, but I must admit, the battle is growing more and more futile. The games look great. The system isn't an ugly clunky piece of.....something. The price is spot-on for me. Their exclusives are 20 times better than those from Xbox. The only thing is, I wish they had game disk backward compatibility though. I've got about 400 bucks in games on the PS3. I don't want to eBay them off or trade them in to Gamestop for 6 bucks a piece. They do have the cloud thing, but I'm sure that comes for a nominal fee.

I really can appreciate Sony staring the competition in the face and reassuring the paying customer everything that Microsoft is doing wrong, Sony is going to do it right.

Whether you're a Nintendo, Sony or even an Xbox person there's one thing you can be sure of - This generation will not be the last. I look forward to the future. I look forward to getting lost in the games. After all, that's what this needs to be about. And that's exactly what each of these companies focused on during E3. Thanks for reading.

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